I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
That one scene from hot tub time machine.
It’s my name lol
Is there a male equivalant for this? I wanna be that.
I like the colour purple, and I want to live in the woods and be a heathen.
Linux (Tux) + Chess960 (960) = Tux960
Bionicle. Bionicle inspired my username.
I used bitwarden’s username generator hahaha
Red Green Blue - used to work with lights when party led lamps got introduced, still crave my 1w rgb laser projector
It’s just a very accurate description of me.
Probably that I’m pedantic, periodically.
(The irony being that it’s using the loose definition rather than the literal definition of “periodically”, although it’s still in the dictionary)
Randomly generated by Bitwarden lol
Took an older username i had, translated it, then romanized the characters.
Couldn’t think of an actual witty name