Isn’t sex ed, deescalation and abuse prevention part of the standard kindergarten schedule since 30 years?
No, not really.
“Stranger Danger” and “Bad Touch” aren’t discussed in Indiana Classrooms until the 2nd grade, and even then, its super-vague.
Yeah, I was 22 years old when my mother sat me down for “the talk”, and even then, it only consisted of “don’t go to bed with someone”. LITERALLY nothing more than that. I just looked at her cockeyed and told her she was pretty late for this talk. And of course the talk itself was just so sub par.
Kids need to learn about their bodies, consent and types of abuse early so that they are able to recognize and report abuse being done to them or others. If not, they don’t have an understanding of the language needed to express that things that are wrong and they need help.
This is EXACTLY why republicans don’t want children to have a functional path to sexual education. And similarly why they don’t want their voters to have a basic general education.
Dude, I don’t think that republican policy is based on the pedofile agenda