It’s sad how far the NHS has fallen. At one point it was a model for fairness and efficiency in healthcare. Now it’s a shadow of its former self.
Creeping privitisation seems like it has been the plan all along. Make the NHS shit so people are more willing to accept privatisation.
Degrading the quality of a public service in order to claim that public sector isn’t doing its job is a classic way to justify privatization. Exact same thing is happening in Canada incidentally.
The quality triangle format obscures the truth: U.S. health care is only fast and good if you can afford to pay for it. So, for the rest of us, since it’s not cheap, it’s also not fast and not good.
That’s why we’re so pissed off.
Meanwhile Cuba in the center with more doctors per capita, a vaccine for lung cancer, and overall better quality of life dunkin on all three
all while living under brutal siege warfare by the burger empire