Take your damn poop so we can go back inside
Imagine being cooped up all day, only able to go outside 2-3 times a day. I’m with the dog on this one - if that sparks joy in them then the dog has the right idea!
I’m not mad I get it, but she knows afternoon and evening walks are the long ones, in the morning we gotta go. Hoomin gotta leave.
Walks are like tv/internet for you dog. He is mostly stimulated / entertained by smells, which he can get many different ones even on the same walk (like different chanels on the tv). He spend his whole day in the same place (same tv channel) and the walk is the one time he has to be happy. Please take your dogs out and take your time, it’s not only about poop and exercise it’s also about mental health for the dog
Twenty minutes, three times a day. Little fucker is so happy.
Really wish he hadn’t developed a taste for licking piss off everything though