The evidence is equivocal on whether screen time is to blame for rising levels of teen depression and anxiety — and rising hysteria could distract us from tackling the real causes.
"By 2050, a billion people will face coastal flooding risk from rising seas, the report says. More people will be forced out of their homes from weather disasters, especially flooding, sea level rise and tropical cyclones.
If warming exceeds a few more tenths of a degree, it could lead to some areas becoming uninhabitable, including some small islands, said report co-author Adelle Thomas of the University of Bahamas and Climate Analytics."
I’m certain you can understand the difference between a claim like “the earth will be unsuitable for human life” and “parts of the world will become uninhabitable”.
I’m just as concerned about climate change as the next guy, but hyperbole doesn’t help our cause.
"By 2050, a billion people will face coastal flooding risk from rising seas, the report says. More people will be forced out of their homes from weather disasters, especially flooding, sea level rise and tropical cyclones.
If warming exceeds a few more tenths of a degree, it could lead to some areas becoming uninhabitable, including some small islands, said report co-author Adelle Thomas of the University of Bahamas and Climate Analytics."
I’m certain you can understand the difference between a claim like “the earth will be unsuitable for human life” and “parts of the world will become uninhabitable”.
I’m just as concerned about climate change as the next guy, but hyperbole doesn’t help our cause.