I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
In neopets [aside: yes, neopets still exists, go recover your account and feed your dang pets; end of aside] there is a random event that can happen as you play where members of the Kiko Lake team are “fundraising” to go to the Altador Cup. The way they fundraise is by stealing an item from your inventory.
This is permanent and irreversible, and has even happened to items for which players have paid actual real-life dollars (about which support’s response can be summed up as “lol sorry”). Of all of the negative REs on the site, Kiko Lake is by far the worst, and so #drainkikolake has become a bit of a player rallying-cry.
There is no way I’m getting into 20+ year old accounts. Those pets are long dead. I’m sorry.
They can’t actually die; they’re just perpetually “starving”.
Speaking of Neopets, my biggest regret is auctioning off my 20+ year old Bruce Booster Pack for a fraction of its value (a mere 10K NP IIRC; it’s worth over 100K). I thought a low opening bid would start a bidding war, but apparently very few Neopets users actually visit the auction page. Only got one bid. :/
With support’s help I was able to get into my childhood account from 2001 and that’s what I’m playing with now! You don’t need to if you don’t want to, of course, but it can be done.
Yo have any of y’all looked into the history of Neopets? Because it’s actually fucking insane
Haha yeah it’s pretty nuts. There are some great neopets write-ups on r/hobbydrama. Plus my favourite Jellyneo article of all time: https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=comments&post=14373
That’s amazing. What did support ask for? Don’t tell me, a 3D face scan?
I had to provide the username, the birthday on the account, and the original email – I don’t recall what else. But here’s the general info & you can use the “create a ticket” button at the bottom.
Oh hey, my username is also from neopets! Though it’s just the username it recommended to me like 20 years ago, and I’ve been using it ever since