Since when has a politician known when to quit?
George Washington?
He did serve for two terms. Back then, that was the most someone could do. The idea he could’ve been a monarch if he wished isn’t exactly accurate given the combination of public pressure, the way other founding fathers weighed in, and the fact that America’s then-neighboring allies the Haudenosaunee civilization was already a democracy superior to even the ancient Greeks.
“The ancient Greeks” those didn’t exactly have very good democracies.
He’ll probably be dead by then, but the Republican Party will come up with another candidate who’s even worse.
My guess is Jacob Chansley.Wishful thinking but the elites don’t mingle with the prolies, even if they are loyal idiots. I agree with Trump hopefully being dead by then. My guess is another DeSantis campaign but with some weird Trump martyrdom elements tbh. The cumulative conservative seething that 4 more years of Biden coupled with the death of their God Emperor will produce will rally them more than we’ve ever seen, I believe