So I’m no expert, but I have been a hobbyist C and Rust dev for a while now, and I’ve installed tons of programs from GitHub and whatnot that required manual compilation or other hoops to jump through, but I am constantly befuddled installing python apps. They seem to always need a very specific (often outdated) version of python, require a bunch of venv nonsense, googling gives tons of outdated info that no longer works, and generally seem incredibly not portable. As someone who doesn’t work in python, it seems more obtuse than any other language’s ecosystem. Why is it like this?

    11 days ago

    I definitely want gpu support. Although I struggle with that somewhat on Koboldcpp as well where I can’t use ROCm, only Vulkan. Unsure where the difference is performance wise.

    I’d like to try the other UIs too, but the problem is that Automatic1111 is where the majority of additional plugins can be found.