cross-posted from:

The Prius Prime is a dual fuel vehicle, able to run 100% on Electric, or 100% on gasoline, or a computerized blend in-between. This presents me a great opportunity to be able to do a direct comparison with the same car of an EV engine vs an ICE engine.

  • Toyota computer claims 3.2mi-per-kwhr.

  • Kill-a-watt ( claims 2.2mi-per-kwhr.

  • Additional 1.5% losses should be assumed in the wires if you wish. (120V drops down to 118V during charging, meaning 2V of the energy was lost due to the resistance of my home’s wires).

  • Level 1 charger at home (known to be less efficient).

  • Toyota computer claims 53miles-per-gallon (American Gallon).

  • I have not independently verified the gallon usage of my car.

  • 295 miles driven total, sometimes EV, sometimes Gasoline, sometimes both.

  • 30F to 40F (-1C to 4.5C) in my area this past week.

  • Winter-blend fuel.

  • 12.5miles per $electricity-dollar (17.1c / kw-hr home charging costs)

  • 17.1 miles per $gasoline-dollar ($3.10 per gallon last fillup).

If anyone has questions about my tests. The main takeaway is that L1 charging is so low in efficiency that gasoline in my area is cheaper than electricity. Obviously the price of gasoline and electricity varies significantly area-to-area, so feel free to use my numbers to calculate / simulate the costs in your area.

There is also substantial losses of efficiency due to cold weather, that is well acknowledged by the EV community. The Prius Prime (and most other EVs) will turn on a heater to keep the battery conditioned in the winter, spending precious electricity on battery-conditioning rather than miles. Gasoline engines do not have this problem and remain as efficient in the winter.

I originally wrote this post for /c/cars, but I feel like EVs come up often enough here on /c/technology that maybe you all would be interested in my tests as well.

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    3 months ago

    People who didn’t intend or want to ruin your day but did anyway because pointing out minor imperfections in your argument makes you mad?

    You picked this one? This is the “your kind” you were referring to? You accept that I didn’t intend to ruin your day, but my criticism of your one sided skepticism is the beginning and the end of your problem and your anger?

    You enjoy this and continue to post massive walls of text proving you are enjoying this.

    You also write quite a lot. Are you having more fun than you seem to be?

    A sane person would have called the mods on me and/or blocked me by now. Your actions though, to continue posting?

    I’m not personally cross or angry just because you are. Baffled, yes. Whimpering? Absolutely not. I shrug. It’s weird how cross you got, but not personally upsetting to me, no. I gave up letting angry people dictate my emotions when I was still at school. You seem to think I need some authority figure to fight my verbal battles for me online or to silence you for swearing at me and shouting at me, but I didn’t feel as intimidated as you clearly wanted me to feel.

    I think you should take a moment to reflect if you’re calling someone insane for not reporting your behaviour or blocking you.

    Was it worth it? Did it have the effect you wanted? Did you convince more people or fewer people? Is it how you want to react next time someone disagrees with you online?

    And I also think you need a moment of reflection about whether you made this post to share rational data or whether you’re just living out some kind of persecution fantasy about how EV enthusiasts wronged you. You keep thinking you made some massive gotcha in your data or in my criticism or my lack of upset, but I don’t see that you proved anything except that you found data that confirmed your preconceptions whilst you ignored the possibility that any of the other data might also have had a positive spin put on it.

    An honest person doesn’t continue to post here. An honest person would seek to apologize or make amends (if they posted).

    I already apologised for making you angry, which I didn’t intend. All I intended was to correct an imbalance in your argument. What I didn’t and won’t do is pretend that your all guns blazing skepticism and penny pinching attitude towards Toyotas electric data was in any way matched by your wholesale swallow of their gas efficiency figures. Pretending, just to stop your irrational anger, would be dishonest. I also think it’s dishonest to try and convince me that grey is white with a bunch of shouting and swearing.

    But you sound calmer now, which is good.

    I see no need whatsoever, though, for a retraction of the central point, which is the entirely one sided nature of your skepticism.

    I don’t see your data as the massive gotcha that you do. Of course the manufacturers overstate the efficiency of their vehicles, who would equate marketing data with science? Only you. And only for gas, weirdly.

    If you had asked around, you might have found that people think that the prius is a bit lacklustre in driving performance, not as fuel efficient as claimed, and overpriced for what it is.

    But I didn’t actually buy my pure electric car for the massive running costs savings they’re just a fringe benefit. I bought it because I fell in love with how much fun it was to drive. Zoom zoom!

    • dragontamer@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      1200+ words across 6 seperate posts according to MS Word, though I admit I’m not copy/pasting very carefully.

      Look man, under no uncertain terms I’ve stated the following:

      1. I’ve lost trust and faith that you and I could have a reasonable discussion.
      2. I’m willing to insult you directly to make the point#1 crystal clear.

      I’m not sure where you think you can bring this discussion forward from this spot, or what is going on in your brain to think that writing additional walls of text to me is a productive use of your time. And I’m honestly not sure what I can say that is a productive use of my time. And this is what I want, because again, point#1, I’ve lost faith that you and I could possibly hold a reasonable discussion on this matter at the moment.

      Try again in the next topic or next time we talk or something.

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        3 months ago

        I’m glad you found more peace with it and you’re less angry now. Can you take at face value that your skepticism was a little one sided now?

        • dragontamer@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          Holy shit. You seriously don’t get it yet. Okay, lets go back to the basics then.

          Fuck you. I don’t trust you for this discussion.

            • dragontamer@lemmy.worldOP
              3 months ago

              Look man, under no uncertain terms I’ve stated the following:

              I’ve lost trust and faith that you and I could have a reasonable discussion.
              I’m willing to insult you directly to make the point#1 crystal clear.
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                3 months ago

                I think the main reason that we don’t have a reasonable discussion is that you take even mild disagreement as a huge personal insult, fly off the handle and, swear and call me names rather than address any of the substance I ever posted. I pointed out that you quote manufacturers data on gas efficiency uncritically but are supremely skeptical about their electricity efficiency and you responded with rage that I dare question you. If you can’t debate people who even mildly disagree and you think your only recourse is insults shouting, I think that’s unusual, doesn’t support your position as much as you seem to think, and certainly doesn’t sweep away the impression of bias you were so angry about, far from it.

                You explained elsewhere that the shouting, anger and insults are a debating technique you use to shut down dissent. I’m afraid it’s not quite cowering me into silence the way you wanted it to and it certainly doesn’t make me think you are at all objective or even handed.

                • dragontamer@lemmy.worldOP
                  3 months ago
                  Look man, under no uncertain terms I’ve stated the following:
                  I’ve lost trust and faith that you and I could have a reasonable discussion.
                  I’m willing to insult you directly to make the point#1 crystal clear.
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                    3 months ago

                    Apparently you’re not just willing to insult me, you’re willing to delete everything I said in realtesla where you’re a mod and ban me! Lol. Great debating technique from brave “dragontamer” right there.

                    Well, I can see that you’re going to protect your little EV hate club from anything that might be construed as good about pure EVs.

                    For the record, Musk is a dick and I won’t ever buy one of his cars, the after sales support is non existent and there are no buttons, only touch screens, but you were never looking for any points of agreement with me, you were only trying to shut me down for daring to question your wholehearted devotion to manufacturers gas efficiency claims.

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                    3 months ago

                    Did you mod-delete my post on realtesla because it linked to your shouty behaviour here, or because you really genuinely think that it’s off topic to point out that it would have been fairer to treat the gas efficiency figures with the same skepticism as the electricity figures?