I’ve driven a few times in Manhattan, but most of those times were on a Sunday - it was a different world. Ghost town is not an exaggeration. The one time it was a weekday, I was hauling a motorcycle trailer, and when I saw 2 parking spots in a row on 5th Ave, I couldn’t resist stopping for an hour to walk around. Someone actually stopped to watch me parallel park. Must’ve been a tourist, New Yorkers don’t stop for anything.
I’ve driven a few times in Manhattan, but most of those times were on a Sunday - it was a different world. Ghost town is not an exaggeration. The one time it was a weekday, I was hauling a motorcycle trailer, and when I saw 2 parking spots in a row on 5th Ave, I couldn’t resist stopping for an hour to walk around. Someone actually stopped to watch me parallel park. Must’ve been a tourist, New Yorkers don’t stop for anything.