Weird flex. Meeting material needs can be accomplished under different economic systems. I would say as a Liberal Capitalist you believe in a private property system where owners can take the work of others for their own benefit. I would respond, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat”, but that applies to the capitalist owners in the same way as their workers.
Sorry to say I’m a self aware liberal capitalist. I must say I love to consoom (with some moderation)
You can still get goods and services in Socialism and Communism, I don’t know what you mean by “consooming.”
I guess it depends on which interpretation of communism you believe in.
I’m a Marxist, so Marxian.
New band name: Marvin the Marxian (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
Weird flex. Meeting material needs can be accomplished under different economic systems. I would say as a Liberal Capitalist you believe in a private property system where owners can take the work of others for their own benefit. I would respond, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat”, but that applies to the capitalist owners in the same way as their workers.