Opinion | Free All Hostages – Israeli and Palestinian (Gideon Levy | Haaretz, 2025-01-12)
“There are 98 Israeli captives being held by Hamas, with 10-fold or perhaps 100-fold more Palestinian captives in Israel’s hands. They, too, are hostages, held without trial or attorney, without visits by the Red Cross, with no known identity or message to their families.
“Most of them are innocent, as are the Israeli captives, and the cruelty toward them in their captivity does not lag behind Hamas’ cruelty. Ignoring their fates is tantamount to employing doubles standards at its worst.
“In the Israeli discourse, there is no mention of Palestinian hostages. They don’t even get to be labeled hostages…”
#GideonLevy #EndOccupation
@palestine@lemmy.ml @palestine@a.gup.pe @israel