First of all: I didnt set them equal. I just said I wouldnt chose either.
If you are offering me two meals: A deadly vial of arsenic and some garbage out of your trash, i wouldnt chose too.
And furthermore: Tankie (as far as I understand this word) doesnt mean communist. And the communists I know, dont want to be seen like this.
So please try not to mention the shoah thoughtlessly in such discussions. Because this would definitly mean a trivialization.
Equal or similar in awfulness, neither is accurate to reality, and again, has roots in the aforementioned method of Holocaust trivialization called Double Genocide Theory.
“Tankie” is a caricature. The idea of a tankie is the ideal vision of a McCarthyian Communist. In reality, the overwhelming majority of people labeled as such don’t actually fit that label, it’s more of a way to cast an image of someone’s positions based on, say, support for AES countries, and twist that into the evil Commie Pinko that haunts the dreams of 1960s children in the US.
No Communist wants to be seen as this caricature, they’d rather be seen as the Marxists they are, but those who use the term “Tankie” as though it has any meaning contribute to the demonization of Communists.
If I get offered 2 options, and both options are bad for me, I wouldn’t choose either. By this, I dont rank their “badness”, I just tell that those options are not suitable for me. Not more not less.
Like arsenic and trash. They are both not suitable for me. But I dont rank them. I just say " no".
I my bubble the term tankie means somethin like a neo-sowjet, who thinks that the SU was heaven on earth. Not a communist.
To be honest, I havent invested any real effort in researching this. But I just quotet the word, theyre not my words.
And once again
Please try not to mention the shoah thoughtlessly in such discussions. Because this would definitly mean a trivialization.
“Tankie” is a caricature. The idea of a tankie is the ideal vision of a McCarthyian Communist. In reality, the overwhelming majority of people labeled as such don’t actually fit that label, it’s more of a way to cast an image of someone’s positions based on, say, support for AES countries, and twist that into the evil Commie Pinko that haunts the dreams of 1960s children in the US.
No Communist wants to be seen as this caricature, they’d rather be seen as the Marxists they are, but those who use the term “Tankie” as though it has any meaning contribute to the demonization of Communists.
Additionally, nobody thinks the USSR was heaven on Earth, but real Socialism with real victories and real struggles. There are no “tankies” in any actual number worth considering if that’s your definition.
Man you tankies love to torture verbiage, this is 3 paragraphs of the same trash, purposefully misunderstanding the point of the previous poster cause the goalposts haven’t moved far enough away from you.
I explained 1. Why painting the Communists and fascists in a similar light serves fascists wishing to trivialize genocide and 2. Why “tankie” doesn’t mean anything except to serve as a pejorative for Marxist.
Rather than trying to insult me, can you meaningfully explain why you disagree with me? Their comment suggested that Communists are in any way comparible in evil to the fascists that invented industrial mass murder. I then went on to explain how I feel that the word “tankie” is just a pejorative used to dismiss Marxists, rather than getting a genuine response I just got further description of the caricature of a tankie.
There’s genuinely no point of arguing with you, if someone makes a point you don’t like, you or another tankie is gonna mod it off (tankies love censorship as much as feckless liberals, open mouth conservatives, et all). The best part of you chronically online weirdos like you, or flyingsquid or trickdacy on world, is I always know the second I refresh I’ll get a response. There is nothing better to do for chronically online weirdos than to respond immediately.
Or mod it off if the point is too salient. Yall have your weird tails of other weirdos following you. Exact same type people, different books.
Again you’re twisting yourself up in a knot to try to fit reality into the neat little prejudice you decided is correct. If it turns out to be wrong, rather than change your view, you try another prejudice to see if that one fits.
Or maybe ya’ll just mod off the word everyone calls you based on how you think and act online, for me it’s asshole, for you it’s tankies. Ya’ll just hate the label but don’t realize how much everyone has you clocked because of the small, highly censored, walled garden. ML is a tankie zoo.
First of all: I didnt set them equal. I just said I wouldnt chose either. If you are offering me two meals: A deadly vial of arsenic and some garbage out of your trash, i wouldnt chose too.
And furthermore: Tankie (as far as I understand this word) doesnt mean communist. And the communists I know, dont want to be seen like this.
So please try not to mention the shoah thoughtlessly in such discussions. Because this would definitly mean a trivialization.
Equal or similar in awfulness, neither is accurate to reality, and again, has roots in the aforementioned method of Holocaust trivialization called Double Genocide Theory.
“Tankie” is a caricature. The idea of a tankie is the ideal vision of a McCarthyian Communist. In reality, the overwhelming majority of people labeled as such don’t actually fit that label, it’s more of a way to cast an image of someone’s positions based on, say, support for AES countries, and twist that into the evil Commie Pinko that haunts the dreams of 1960s children in the US.
No Communist wants to be seen as this caricature, they’d rather be seen as the Marxists they are, but those who use the term “Tankie” as though it has any meaning contribute to the demonization of Communists.
Ok another try:
If I get offered 2 options, and both options are bad for me, I wouldn’t choose either. By this, I dont rank their “badness”, I just tell that those options are not suitable for me. Not more not less.
Like arsenic and trash. They are both not suitable for me. But I dont rank them. I just say " no".
I my bubble the term tankie means somethin like a neo-sowjet, who thinks that the SU was heaven on earth. Not a communist. To be honest, I havent invested any real effort in researching this. But I just quotet the word, theyre not my words.
And once again Please try not to mention the shoah thoughtlessly in such discussions. Because this would definitly mean a trivialization.
Okay another try.
“Tankie” is a caricature. The idea of a tankie is the ideal vision of a McCarthyian Communist. In reality, the overwhelming majority of people labeled as such don’t actually fit that label, it’s more of a way to cast an image of someone’s positions based on, say, support for AES countries, and twist that into the evil Commie Pinko that haunts the dreams of 1960s children in the US.
No Communist wants to be seen as this caricature, they’d rather be seen as the Marxists they are, but those who use the term “Tankie” as though it has any meaning contribute to the demonization of Communists.
Additionally, nobody thinks the USSR was heaven on Earth, but real Socialism with real victories and real struggles. There are no “tankies” in any actual number worth considering if that’s your definition.
Man you tankies love to torture verbiage, this is 3 paragraphs of the same trash, purposefully misunderstanding the point of the previous poster cause the goalposts haven’t moved far enough away from you.
You doth protest too much, yanno?
I explained 1. Why painting the Communists and fascists in a similar light serves fascists wishing to trivialize genocide and 2. Why “tankie” doesn’t mean anything except to serve as a pejorative for Marxist.
The “goalposts” never shifted.
Honestly the only difference between the quibbling you do with language and those blue maga weirdos on world is that you rep a different politics.
Rather than trying to insult me, can you meaningfully explain why you disagree with me? Their comment suggested that Communists are in any way comparible in evil to the fascists that invented industrial mass murder. I then went on to explain how I feel that the word “tankie” is just a pejorative used to dismiss Marxists, rather than getting a genuine response I just got further description of the caricature of a tankie.
There’s genuinely no point of arguing with you, if someone makes a point you don’t like, you or another tankie is gonna mod it off (tankies love censorship as much as feckless liberals, open mouth conservatives, et all). The best part of you chronically online weirdos like you, or flyingsquid or trickdacy on world, is I always know the second I refresh I’ll get a response. There is nothing better to do for chronically online weirdos than to respond immediately.
Or mod it off if the point is too salient. Yall have your weird tails of other weirdos following you. Exact same type people, different books.
Again you’re twisting yourself up in a knot to try to fit reality into the neat little prejudice you decided is correct. If it turns out to be wrong, rather than change your view, you try another prejudice to see if that one fits.
Or maybe ya’ll just mod off the word everyone calls you based on how you think and act online, for me it’s asshole, for you it’s tankies. Ya’ll just hate the label but don’t realize how much everyone has you clocked because of the small, highly censored, walled garden. ML is a tankie zoo.