Considering the fact the doing good will not earn you anything in anyway and that if you are not a millionaire or billionaire your good acts won’t matter at all.
What’s the point?
I had seen with my own eyes good people being manipulated and fucked because they did something good, on the other hand it’s pretty rare for evil people to face any consequences.
Why should I restrict my free hands with ethics and why should I think about it?
Just a note: I am a deist, so I don’t believe that doing good will get you anything in the after life.
Because doing good isn’t supposed to be with the goal of being rewarded, it’s supposed to be to help make other people’s lives better. When you help someone by giving them a ride somewhere, it doesn’t make much of a difference to the universe but it makes a difference to that person in that moment
Why religious people think atheists are bad. Because if there isn’t a big reward then why would you ever be good? I don’t know, empathy? Which they clearly show they don’t have much of if they need to be rewarded for doing things as simple as not judging others
I’m an atheist. I do good things because I have a conscience. I have a legacy. Being a good person feels better than being greedy and spiteful. I pity the rich—never knowing which of their friends and family are true and who would abandon them if they weren’t rich.
I mean of course I wish I had more than I have but I have enough to be fulfilled. So why not do good things? Being kind to people is its own reward.
Because helping others around you and “doing good” helps build community, which you are a part of.
If you want to look at it from a selfish perspective, doing good and helping others builds goodwill towards yourself, and sooner or later, you may need to rely on others doing good for you. It’s much easier to get help if others think highly of you.
As far as being manipulated, you probably shouldn’t just blindly help people who request it. Keep your eyes open and your guard up when dealing with people you don’t know or trust.
“Considering the fact the doing good will not earn you anything in anyway”
This simply isn’t an accurate statement.
I treat my co-workers well, help them out, and one of them bought me a pin that says “Hello, My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!!!” because they know I like that movie.
I help people, people help me. Do they sometimes not help me, sure, but on balance everyone is better off for helping. It’s not a zero sum game.