Lost the house of my dreams today. Before putting an offer down, I call up some conveyancers to get quotes for work done and one of them instead views and puts an offer down.
Super angry. Had been researching it for about three weeks asking questions and wanting a second viewing. The agency didn’t even respond to my first email asking questions for about ten days because apparently it was in their spam box.
I kinda want to go to the agency and flip the tables (not literally, I’m a skinny shit) and for this conveyancer to do it is probably a conflict of interest.
So yeah, really annoyed and have been stewing all day. How do you deal with such situations?
That may actually be against the rules for Conveyancers depending on where you live, find out if your conveyancer is part of a legal body (registered in some way as a conveyancer) and make an inquiry/complaint there.
Yeah, most are registered with RICS. This one also owns a company that is an estate agency as well. As soon as I saw that, it clicked why he sounded really excited at it and then poof gone.
I don’t know if that actually violates any ethics, but it feels like it should, so I’d deal with it by writing a polite letter to whatever relevant licensing body that made it clear how upset I was to get rug pulled by someone I thought was a professional. Even if they toss it you’ll feel better for having written it.
Remember how lucky you are to be in a position where you can think about buying a house in the first place
The correct answer.
I never believe “well, there’s someone worse off than you” is ever the answer.
Otherwise, you being held in a basement, chained up, raped daily, mothering kids by your abuser is not a bad situation because, “hey, there’s someone worse off than you.”
I’m not saying your frustration is invalid, I’m one of the lucky ones like you. But I think sometimes in these types of scenarios it’s helpful to look at the overall scoreboard and see that as shitty as it may be, you’re still in pretty good shape. Another good house will come around.
Coming from a guy lucky enough to have access to technology to send this comment.
Lol ok
You mock me, but they kick me out of the public library by 5pm.