It doesnt matter who’s right, there’s a thing called decorum and controling your emotions. Trump got mad, and made a fool of himself.
Vance was only there to cause this.
It doesnt matter who’s right, there’s a thing called decorum and controling your emotions. Trump got mad, and made a fool of himself.
Vance was only there to cause this.
Well yea I can see that. Iapologize for making an joke that OP may not appreciate. ❤️
Personally I’d have a cat that looked like hitler purely for the jokes people will make. I’d train them in German for extra laughs.Their name would be Shitler. Any time they catch a bird I’ll say “aww shit, here we go again”
One of my current turds was rescued from the mean streets of Saudi Arabia and responds to Arabic.
Sovereign citizens are really getting out of hand. Oh wait it’s google.
People are people no matter where they live, which also means you can’t trust any government anywhere. Propaganda is powerful.
The idea of a social credit score has always been hilarious to me, like yo bros we have credit scores over here and they legitimately fuck us over since you need good credit to do alot of things like renting a place to live.
She needed a solution to his problem, you could say it’s his final position.
*Edited because I miss gendered your cat.
You could say this is her Final Position.
Sure buddy, keep that head up your ass.
China is a capitalist country with aspects of socialism. it’s not really communist anymore.
No one here is shitting on communists, were shitting on you for a thinking the Chinese are any different than us.
Bro, there’s ALOT of Chinese capitalists.
Humans are humans.
They lost because they tried to convince trumpers to vote for them, ignoring everyone else.
AI garbage. I wish hologram Tupac would cap all these AIs
The very idea they didn’t just turn her around proves how evil these fucks can be.