I remember my sophomore year in High School a friend walked up to me and we got to talking and then they ask “so are you planning anything for homecoming?”. I just replied “nah. I’m not really into football and I think I have to work that night anyway.” And they were like “Okay well cool.”
Fast forward 35 years, I tell this story to a friend and they said “so did they ask you out anyway?” And I was like “No, I… WAIT! Is that what they were getting at? It actually flew over my head? Holy shit!” And it took a whole 35 years before I finally realized it.
In all fairness though, I had a lot going on at that point in my life. My mother two years earlier had passed away from a three year battle with cancer and my father had left us orphan about three weeks later. I was still processing shit with the whole foster care and nobody else in my god forsaken family wanting to take me or my siblings in.
Oh and I never got with the person because like maybe four months later I had to move to another foster family (which side note: I eventually had to leave that other family too because the parents were that weird religious abusive kind and I got pulled during a welfare check to go elsewhere) which meant a change in schools (had to change schools yet again after that second family). Something, something the foster care dad got arrested with a DUI, something something, you can’t keep kids in your house. But you know looking back maybe it was for the best because it would have sucked to have to move after developing emotions for someone.
Indeed. A modern Nissan Leaf with a 62 kWh battery can charge in a little over 11 minutes if you have a 2kV 160 amp line to toss into it. Because you know, it’s completely safe and cool to deal with those kinds of values for the average consumer.