I do think insects as an ingredient in other foods, such as crackers, could be a more successful approach in increasing adoption. Taboos will be quite hard to change tho, I agree
Choosing more appropriate crops for specific environments is so important. The State departments VACS initiative is a good start to promoting more resilient crops for Africa.
Some bills republicans are spending their legislative energy on: Liberty in Laundry Act, Refrigerator Freedom Act, Stop Unaffordable Laundry Standards (SUDS) Act.
I especially feel for those who work in government. When the Trump admin placed restrictions on the use of certain terminology, it must really be hard to balance ones need for employment and doing good work and remaining true to scientific principles.
Municipal scale infrastructure to capture waste, treat it, and extract nutrients to be redistributed or sold as fertilizer. This is usually an activity undertaken by and fit into existing municipal waste infrastructure.
The atomization of decision-making allows entrenched interests to disrupt progress. If you’ve ever been to a city planning meeting, you can see how NIMBY homeowners block transit upgrades or affordable housing. Sometimes consensus is impossible
Also, lots of state and local governments in the US have strong renter protections.
For sure. I think trying to preserve these tools is a bit of a waste of time. But extending their lifespan is always a win in my book
When the damage is presented in spreadsheets and charts its easy to ignore the cost, especially for those pushing the piles of money around.
Ooooh interesting, good to know! I suppose inoculation is a process that is not particularly complex that a localized society could also achieve.
Who wouldve thought hosting COP in a petrostate would’ve led to a conflict of interest!?