“Should we ban the Nazi party?”
The world is an onion article
“Should we ban the Nazi party?”
The world is an onion article
We’re already putting tarrifs on Taiwan.
Giving Ukraine to Russia and Taiwan to China were part of Trump’s deal to become president.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Name an internet browser that costs money
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
He’s probably has had dementia for a while, that’s where his lean and dumptruck ass come from.
And I care about “how” it works and “what” data it uses because I don’t have to walk on eggshells to preserve the sanctity of an autocomplete software
You need to curb your pathetic ego and really think hard about how feeding the open internet to an ML program with a LLM slapped onto it is actually any more useful than the sum of its parts.
How about I just don’t shop there?
You ignoring reality to hype up an auto complete bot as something more because an LLM is the search box.
If you aren’t one of the idiots pretending it’s a deity or something then you must just be a regular idiot.
And where did it happen to find all those pictures of cats?
Oh ok so training data doesn’t matter?
It can generate any requested image without ever being trained?
Or does data not matter when it makes your agument invalid?
Tell me how you moving the bar proves that AI is more intelligent than the sum of its parts?
Whine more about free shit
I’m blocking you now
Bill Gates is equally responsible for perpetuating wealth inequality
The “reasoning” you are seeing is it finding human conversations online, and summerizing them
The fundemental logic of these Machine Learning programs is figuring out what the most likely response is and sending it.
It’s an advanced auto complete that searches the web.
I get it you want to personify it because LLMs make it sound human, but it is a search engine with autocomplete.
Sorry if this upsets you
Why do the people who scream about understanding AI never want to admit that they all use the same training data and therefore hit the same limitations years ago?
How are you the product if you can download, mod, and control every part of it?
Ever heard of WinRAR?
Audacity? VLC media player? Libre office? Gimp? Fruitloops? Deluge?
Literally any free open source standalone software ever made?
Just admit that you aren’t capable of approaching this subject unbiasly.
So what training data does it use?
They found data to train it that isn’t just the open internet?
Lmao ok buddy.
I’ve interacted with all the free ones, and they all find the info they send you on the internet.
It’s no different than searching the internet
If you want it to generate text it takes the data it trained on from the internet and regurgitates what would be the most likely response, like a search engine.
Sorry but until there is true intelligence in AI then it will really just be an LLM slapped onto a ML program
More than half of Germany has no issue working with Nazis