Sounds like a theoretical Libertarian trying to raise an army. Do you hand a copy of the NAP to just the volunteers or also to those you fight?
Sounds like a theoretical Libertarian trying to raise an army. Do you hand a copy of the NAP to just the volunteers or also to those you fight?
Wait, you’re telling me the galaxy brains over at big-ag, who say that factory farms are actually good for the world, because caging up animals lowers land requirements… they lied to me?
The bribe wasn’t paid in advance, so it’s a totally cool and legal gratuity. -U.S. Supreme Court
Wait, only communists get to dunk on Libertarian NAP nonsense? Those commies really do get to have all the fun.
You got me, it seems I have not educated myself thoroughly enough.
Really though, if only the enlightened can see the light then it seems like it’s just an academic exercise or trolling people to advocate for ineffectual fringe theory.
You may be right, but also powerless.