The man is a hollow shell, and the woman is tripping over her own tongue in the least regal fashion imaginable. There’s no emotional maturity because there’s no interiority. There’s no communication, just Yud doing Ready Player One with Nerd Culture™ references. Remember the Evil Overlord list? You do, don’t you? Wasn’t the Evil Overlord list funny? Now imagine if an Evil Overlord had, wait for it, read the Evil Overlord list. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
(Yes, he did the same damn thing in HPMOR, too.)
Writing prompt: Day one at the dildo factory
“Yarrgh. Another crew of bushy tails, more wet behind the ears than 'tween the legs. You’ve no idea what’s in store for you, but these eyes, these old eyes have seen things. Like the great injector malfunction of aught-six…”
SHE is gowned in a black dress sewn with tiny emeralds, rubies, sapphires too small to detract from the darkness of her gown, instead giving it the illusion of a rainbow sheen.
Following “gowned” so closely with “dress” is awkward, because the latter is redundant. Consider, e.g., “She is gowned in black, the fabric sewn with…” Using both “gowned” and “gown” in the same sentence compounds the problem. Consider introducing further information about the fabric: e.g., “the darkness of the velvet” or “the darkness of the silk”.
Whoof. Made it through the first sentence.
They have leveled up from the socialism of fools to the communism of dipshits.
The phrase “the bong rips of science” comes to mind.
Please learn to parse a joke on your way to the egress.
Being an Internet Old, I do worry about rulings that could narrow the scope of fair use, since good things do rely upon it, and there’s always the risk of a sowing/reaping thing, but I won’t pretend to have actual legal expertise.
Like, if this guy gets a second scene, it’s the one where they demonstrate that SPECTRE does not tolerate failure.
IIRC, they were promising some new kind of processor with stochastic stuff in it that was advertised as “quantum computing” but isn’t really.
But he sure likes saying physics words.
It’s “Bond villain aesthetics” if the “villain” you mean is the big guy guarding the next location who acts intimidating for five seconds before Bond suplexes him and walks inside anyway, quipping.
Also, Grimes is not even offering table stakes for being a Bond girl here. Like, she’s an extra in the club through which Bond quickly passes in order to find the actual Bond girl. She’s not a vaguely trans-coded Famke Janssen bringing herself to orgasm by machine-gunning an entire room of technicians while Gottfried John looks on with a “what the fuck, tovarisch” eyebrow lift.
Reached by the Chronicle, Yudkowsky said he would not read the letter for the same reason he refused to read the manuscript of the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.
Not even the MST3k version?
(Warning: contains some … Tarantino-like 1995 edginess at odds with its overall tone)
Microsoft’s own research confirms something that was already pretty obvious: relying on a text generating machine to come up with answers erodes critical thinking, and is a method favoured by those who never liked doing critical thinking in the first place
The whole paper is an absolute nightmare funfair ride through the behaviours that have become almost instantaneously widespread through the professional world - something Microsoft have invested billions into accelerating and worsening no matter the consequences.
a phrase to make your skin crawl right off:
Lighthaven cuddle puddle
And after that shot, a chaser:
Is the Dark Enlightenment actually fascist? Not at all. It’s probably the least fascistic strain of political thought today, though this requires understanding what fascism really is, which the word itself now obscures. Is it racist? Perhaps. The term is so malleable that it’s hard to say with clarity.
the “thinking” part definitely works for me
[bites tongue, tries really hard to avoid the obvious riposte]
Our AP English teacher marked down everyone in our class for failing to identify a quote that wasn’t in the translation of L’Etranger that we all read. She refused to give our points back even after I brought a copy of the French original and showed that the translation in our edition was correct when hers was not.
Yeah, four kids is “the biggest family on the suburban block where I grew up”, not “time to build another cabin in the compound”.
Or they deliberately named things like the Lance of Longinus in order to fulfill a prophecy, or make it look like a prophecy was being fulfilled.
We are on the verge of a “cultural mass extinction.” This will dramatically increase the homogeneity of our species and as such lower the prevalence of orthanganal perspectives that could generate solutions to social problems which are not apparent to surviving cultures.
zoom and enhance
I shouldn’t make fun of uncorrected typos. But I will.
Oh, but they’re just very concerned that American schools are forcing all the children into the same mold, don’t you see
gag me with a fucking spoon