A bully always makes sense when the other kid can’t punch back. Aircraft carriers are a wonderful tool as long as small actors don’t have the asymmetric ability to sink them.
A bully always makes sense when the other kid can’t punch back. Aircraft carriers are a wonderful tool as long as small actors don’t have the asymmetric ability to sink them.
Maybe a cello if it was human grade. But that’s tartigrade.
The intermediate step is a human stealth aircraft commanding multiple drone weapons platforms.
We hear so little about the Chinese station, but it’s pretty impressive
Here’s a fun tidbit, I used to deal with ambulance billing. Most places would try to hang back on submitting their bills, because the first to submit would hit the insurance deductible, and it was unsure if that portion would be paid.
Flight services bill as quickly as possible, out of concern of hitting a billing cap, because after, say, $100,000 on a bill, some policies stop paying.
That’s on purpose, the site asks not to be indexed. Oglaf is like cool sites in the 90’s, you had yo hear about them.
We’ll be doing oglaf.com soon at this rate.
I love finding an oglaf in the wild
I hope you’ve made it out of russia, things are getting nuts there. I wouldn’t even be in georgia now if I was you.
Now this is a Noncredible Defense.
Best turrets in space, gotta give them that.
He sounds credible, don’t be so defensive.
The liberal plots are in blue states.
This isn’t news, the Hamburgler has been doing work-release there for over 30 years.
States are absolved of patent law, so I keep hoping the west coast will make a compact where each state makes a major drug for their state health care plans and they share across.
Honestly the Ukrainian brutality has been pretty constrained over time compared to the civil war. Russia started full 1865.
Kids, work hard or you might end up teaching in america!
I feel like you’re either just starting to learn rhetoric or military theory, and I am rooting for you either way, there is a lot to learn ahead of you.