This is genuinely disappointing. I understand the need for punishment, but unless there is therapy, a path to recovery and reintegration into society, we’re just housing more and more people without a future.
This is genuinely disappointing. I understand the need for punishment, but unless there is therapy, a path to recovery and reintegration into society, we’re just housing more and more people without a future.
While I do believe that psychedelics can be used successfully as treatment for mental health issues, it is disappointing, however not surprising, that psychadelic evangelists are part of the research.
This is unfortunately similar to how it was last time drugs were researched and the counter reaction to that was the war on drugs.
Very interesting read, thanks for sharing
Well that hasn’t stopped them before. I’m not entirely sure where and when it was that their claimed loss was more than the entire global economy.
Jag borde egentligen bli förbannad när jag läser detta, men det är redan så uppebart och så vanligt med denna typ av “mutor” och hemlighetsmakeri att jag knappt reagerar längre.
It broke too many thumbs.
One of the worst shopping basket designs I have ever seen, was where they added additional items together with the thing you wanted, forcing you to remove the thing they added before paying.
That is a very good point I had not considered, thanks for pointing that out!
This is why I’m frustrated with the US and the EU, who are placing heavy penalty tariffs on Chinese EVs.
Det känns lite olustigt att just Ungern driver på detta förslaget nu, med tanke på de pro-ryska krafterna i Ungern.
Kanske bara jag är paranoid, men tycker inte att det är rätt läge att införa bakdörrar när säkerhetsläget är som det är och när hybridkrigföringen ökar lavinartat.
I stopped distro hopping pretty much after trying arch. I still love arch, but my new love is chimera Linux.
For servers I used to run Debian stable, but these days I’m pretty set on alpine.
Gamla goa gylfen som den också kallas här i stan. Cool bild!
It’s absolutely fine, even if something is missing you can solve that with distrobox or similar tools.
Nice post, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this awesome resource <3
Dubbelmoral, vem hade trott det?
Alla, precis alla hade gissat det med en organisation som är så uppenbart jävisk i frågan.
Actually really few instances of jerry rigging, but I do remember during my distro-hopping days where I used a binary gcc package to compile a more optimized binary of gcc. At the time, that felt pretty weird, but looking back I see why.
Honestly I got started due to curiosity and well, it turned out Linux was a rabbit hole and so down I went.
Personligen har jag inte sett ett enda förslag som konkret förbättrar läget för förstagångsköpare. Ska man köpa något som förstagångsköpare som får man köpa något i urskogen.