Judging by those trends, it doesn’t look likely, basically none of those lines are even starting to come down except somehow the US?
Judging by those trends, it doesn’t look likely, basically none of those lines are even starting to come down except somehow the US?
Which is when Trump gets in office. They could probably manage if they have a guarantee from him that they’ll restart deliveries. It might just delay the genociding a smidge.
15 years seems plenty to serve as a deterrent to me?
Even if they stop now, Trump will just restart it after inauguration. They should’ve done it a year ago.
Do you support all peoples claiming their homelands again through ethnic cleansing, no matter how much time has passed?
They should’ve arrested all of them and held them until they could work out which ones are war criminals that can be referred to the Hague.
Yep, any country bombing UNESCO heritage sites is engaging in genocide.
It’s a joke about how you can’t quote Wikipedia directly in papers, etc.
If your phone is running, your decryption key is stored in memory in the phone (this is slightly oversimplified, iPhones use a special chip with an enclave to do this). After a reboot, the decryption key doesn’t actually exist yet until you enter your PIN (as the PIN is part of that decryption key), so it’s harder to get to by an attacker.
So Nazis are allowed to just do whatever, but they’ll set up an undercover operation to catch anyone fighting them.
Unfortunately they can’t quote Wikipedia directly in their work, but they can use the sources in the article.
Like, why the fuck are they still inviting their football teams to play?
Or they could use a distro that’s already been created by a European vendor, maybe even create a competitive tender. There’s no point in creating a new distro, add a new repository if you must.
K-9 is probably an Android only client? They’d have to either find an open source iOS app to build on, or build a new one from scratch.
Thunderbird is finally out of beta so you can get it through the play store or F-Droid. K-9 itself was also updated so it’s now basically a K-9 branded version of Thunderbird.
Isn’t this part of the auto configuration stuff? Basically there’s a standard where you can add some DNS records to your domain and/or a standard file on your website so e-mail clients can automatically prepopulate all the email settings so you only need to worry about entering your email and password.
Anyone still posting there is probably not going to leave. Either way, it’s not like this block was hard to circumvent, you could just log out or use a different browser to see the posts by someone that blocked you, so this doesn’t really change a lot.
It was already a challenge back in those days. I ran the Nokia N9 for a while, and within a year it went from being amazing at messaging due to its messaging app mixing different XMPP providers in one interface (Google Talk, Facebook Messenger, SMS, etc in a single interface) to everyone in the industry suddenly giving up on that and only supporting in-app messaging.
There were valiant attempts to create open source versions of popular apps, but those efforts were always intentionally sabotaged by those providers.
Maybe it’s got the effect to externalise any of the sources of whatever is wrong in your life. Fox gives you easy answers for all your problems, and it’s always some ‘other’. You don’t have to change or work on yourself to improve things, you just have to vote for the guys that will deport/jail the ones holding you back.
Israel can fuck up every oil field in the middle east, so I guess the thinking is that it keeps everyone in the region in line?