aging population
Must be the German equivalent of “nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE”
aging population
Must be the German equivalent of “nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE”
Film Studios:
“We’ll recycle the same theme’s and franchises over and over until they’re completely worn out AND we’ll paywall the shit out of our media so everyone has to have 27 subscriptions to watch anything remotely interesting. Oh, and you’re going to like it because we said so.”
Also Film Studios:
“Wait, where are you going!? Why aren’t you giving us money??? Come back! You can’t not subscribe!”
I had to sign up for a business account because of Cox’s data cap. Sadly they’re my only option and they suck ass.
Horsepower is a very rough “average” of work output over a given period of time. It doesn’t really account for spikes in load. For that we’ll have have to consider the torque. So the real question is, how many foot/pounds or newton/meters does OP need to handle 10 gigs of throughput?
That’s the real danger in my opinion. Trump is probably a malignant narcissist. Everything he does, he does for himself and his very thin skinned ego. This is sort of balanced out but he fact that he’s a moron and is easily manipulated. But, there are people right on his coat tails who are straight up malevolent and do things because they enjoy watching others suffer.
As bad as Trump is, it may get much worse after he’s gone and leaves a crater sized power vacuum in the GOP.
I once worked for a big corporation that makes hydraulic rescue tools, where management somehow failed to grasp that the chief selling point of these tools is that they do the job reliably every time. No firefighter wants to be trying to get someone out of a car like, “Damnit! The cutter is acting up again. We should probably look into that.”
But the executives kept demanding that we add “features” to the tools that effectively compromised the reliability and then got all surprised Pikachu face when it was explained to them that the customers thought the tools were overpriced half-assed garbage.
I guess my point is I’ve seen plenty of incredibly stupid examples of management ignoring the engineers and yet somehow Musk demanding that radar be scrapped in favor of cameras is right at the top of the list. Especially if you want your customers to live long enough to buy your products more than once.
There are usually way more polling locations open on election day than during early voting. They set up polling at churches, schools, and community centers all over.
During early voting I have to go to the courthouse which is in the next town over. There aren’t any polling places in my city.
Reddit was never “mainstream social media”. Annecdotally, I have heard more people referring to Reddit in casual conversation so maybe it is becoming more widely accepted.
If that’s true, then I still have no regrets about leaving. If I wanted to look at a news feed full of hot garbage I would have stayed on Facebook.
“Look at how much we’re winning! So much winning!” Frantically screams country currently seeking assistance from North Korea for a “three day special military operation” which is now in its third year.
I hear a lot of devs that don’t seem to get this.
“WhY wOuLd YoU uSe ExCeL? I pReFeR tO cOdE mY oWn SoLuTiOn.”
No, Why would I spend a week coding something that I can create a pivot table and some charts for in an hour? Especially when if I code it myself, that means I now own and have to support my lovely new utility. Time is money and I’ve got way more important things to do than build custom reporting suites that no one except me is ever going to use.
Lol Google sheets has nowhere near the capabilities of Excel. They’re not even in the same class.
And still the spreadsheet gold standard. Microsoft gets plenty of shit wrong but Excel is one thing they got right.
Sure. Trying to run a highly dangerous, technologically advanced theme park with two underpaid IT guys and no disaster avoidance and recovery plans.
Those rates are nothing short of preditory. I’m also going to guess the average consumer doesn’t “shop” for credit cards.
If you’re going to run a credit card balance, which you typically shouldn’t, you might as well make sure it’s costing you as little as possible.
Fixed rate cards and cards from regional banks or credit unions will often offer lower rates.
Walmart is in the process of acquiring Vizio for the express purpose of using TV’s to serve advertisements.
Somewhere in the North Korean constitution
“South Korea = Hostile State Hostile State”
^Look everybody! They’ve redefined South Korea as a “hostile state”!
Oh wait, nobody cares.
No way I’m paying the bank 28% interest to buy Christmas presents. That’s completely asinine.
If ISP’s are liable for piracy, so are power utilities.
Support your local newspaper. Especially if they value quality journalism over quantity.
Ok, now this is just showing off. Patch cables all the exact required length and everything all nice and neat. I bet you check your backups regularly and do a monthly DR fail over test too.
…Kidding aside, your setup looks really good.