cryptid club is also by Sarah, she advertised it on her page.
cryptid club is also by Sarah, she advertised it on her page.
Uteplatsen är min favvo
det verkar vara delvis renoverat. det där badrummet är mycket nyare än typ hela resten av anläggningen. konstigt.
det klart att man inte kan beskylla vindkraftens för de senaste årens… instabiliteter. men jag är van vid norrländskt vattenkraftspris där vi som mest betalade 18 öre per kWh så sent som 2020. nu bor jag inte kvar i norrland men priserna även i elområde 1 har påverkats rätt rejält av fluktuationer i produktionen. kostnads"golvet" har krupit upp rätt rejält på ett fåtal år. nog för att det är en mem att säga “vI bEhÖvEr pLaNeRbAr eL” men vindkraften har försvårat för industrin i och med att den är så kaotisk. det känns som bakvänt att hoppas att om vi bygger nog så slätar kurvan ut sig. får hoppas att återstarten av juktan kan hjälpa, men jag tänker mig att det måste vara svårt att reagera fort med en jätteturbin.
asså med tanke på att vindkraften har drivit upp elpriserna så pga att den är så slumpmässig så ser jag hellre att man lägger pengarna på att hitta en vettig storskalig lagringslösning först.
detta är fortfarande kasst av dem och jag vet att man inte bara kan omfördela pengarna på det sättet.
i can chime in with some actual experience!
my current problems with KDE are
and what’s fun about this is, the issues are so intermittent and random that i never know what i’m going to get on a given day!
good point, ruby is a good comparison. although, ruby is very different under the hood. it’s magically dynamic in a completely different way, and it also never really got the penetration on the system level that python did.
none of this is to take away from the fact that python packaging is bad. i know how to work it because i’ve been programming in python for 14 years, but trying to teach people makes the problem obvious. and yet.
i’ve seen something like this before, where the kernel holds the file handle open for the process so that it thinks the file is still there. i think it’s related to how the program closes the file but i don’t remember the details. restarting qbittorent will most likely fix it.
me, watching a friend play a game (that i play) for the first time
i mean, that is the difference between interpreted and compiled.
if the container doesn’t work though, that means it is broken and should be fixed. the point of them is literally to be plug-n-play. that would be like distributing a go binary with a segfault in main.
that’s posturing if anything. if you’re an experienced developer it takes fully 10 minutes with either system. and if you’re not interested in modifying it, just use a container image.
the only case where i would agree with you is when i have to modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get things to run…
such a strange interpretation. i’ve been working in go for over 10 years now, and i love it. but the notion that you can “just find the same program but built in a different language” doesn’t make sense at all.
like, if you’re annoyed with pandoc being written in haskell and clogging up your system dependencies, you can’t just “find another pandoc”. there’s nothing like it. same thing with curl, or xonsh, or thingsboard.
such a weird take.
it’s not though. op has issues installing programs built in python. suggesting they rebuild those programs in go is 100% an apples to meatballs comparison, and way off topic.
this is not about offense! nobody is offended. but if you ask me for help with an apple pie and i tell you to make meatballs… it’s a confusing lack of relevance.
everyone focuses on the tooling, not many are focusing on the reason: python is extremely dynamic. like, magic dynamic you can modify a module halfway through an import, you can replace class attributes and automatically propagate to instances, you can decompile the bytecode while it’s running.
combine this with the fact that it’s installed by default and used basically everywhere and you get an environment that needs to be carefully managed for the sake of the system.
js has this packaging system down pat, but it has the advantage that it got mainstream in a sandboxed isolated environment before it started leaking out into the system. python was in there from the beginning, and every change breaks someone’s workflow.
the closest language to look at for packaging is probably lua, which has similar issues. however since lua is usually not a standalone application platform it’s not a big deal there.
it’s also not at all relevant. go is great, but this is about python.
– So tell them.
I would, unfortunately there’s no way for me to compliment them without selling my soul to facebook.
also, telling others about the art is probably more impactful.
interesting perspective, because while i completed subnautica i got tired of pacific drive. mainly because subnautica is open and static. you can make your way around a problem area meaning you get by with less time scavenging, while pacific drive is relentless and random, and will absolutely fuck you up if you don’t have the right ingredients. it sells itself on its driving aesthetic, but you spend so little time actually in the car that it seems pointless. it’s all just digging through trash and crafting.
this reads like a teenager wrote it