Peter thiel looks like if nosferatu never hit puberty
This image will now forever live in my head. Thanks, random YT commenter.
I wrangle code, draw pictures, and write things. You might find some of it here.
Peter thiel looks like if nosferatu never hit puberty
This image will now forever live in my head. Thanks, random YT commenter.
Fcitx is an input method editor used to type different languages, especially those that need to be composed from context (Chinese, Japanese, Thai, etc.) I believe it comes preinstalled with KDE (at least in kde-full it does, unsure about the smaller packages), but it should be totally safe to remove if you don’t need this functionality.
Some time ago in an article or YouTube video i stumbled upon, someone asked Elon a question why he got interested in space. He answered that he read a book which kindled his interest.
I wonder if it was this. It would make so much sense.
Making AI helpful for everyone
Where “helpful” means profitable and “everyone” means their shareholders.
The only thing that comes to mind is medical applications, drug research, etc. But that might just be a skewed perspective on my end because I know literally nothing about that industry or how AI technology is deployed there. I’ve just read research has been assisted by those tools and that seems, at least on the surface level, like a good thing.
Yeah. I ran without an account for the longest time (and used alternative frontends like Freetube, Invidious, yt-dlp, etc.) but I caved and made one just so I could curate my feed.
I wish YouTube would ban this shit wholesale, but it’s Google and of course they won’t.
Aside: I’ve been hammering “Don’t recommend this channel” on every video that remotely smells like AI slop for a while and so far that seems to keep the feed fairly clean.
Which AI models, though? Your synthetic text extruder LLMs that can’t accurately surpass humans at anything unless you train them specifically to do that and which are kinda shite even then unless you look at it exactly the right way? Or that fabled brain simulation AI that doesn’t even exist?
Instead, he prefers to describe future AI systems as a “country of geniuses in a data center,” […] [and] that such systems would need to be “smarter than a Nobel Prize winner across most relevant fields.”
Ah, “future” AI systems. As in the ones we haven’t built yet, don’t know how to build, and don’t even know whether we can build them. But let’s just feed more shit into Habsburg GPT in the meantime, maybe one will magically pop out.
Good news, everyone: critihype is canceled until the next tweet.
Oh well. Nothing screams healthy business like force-feeding your product to every customer who can’t hammer the conveniently hidden opt-out button fast enough. I’m sure Gemini is doing great.
Filen does photos too, so you could consolidate 2 and 3 into one. I went and bought 500 GB lifetime storage on their Black Friday offer. Let’s see if they stick around. So far the experience has been smooth.
And if you mention mailbox.org, let me throw Posteo.com into the mix. Basically the same offer, but where mailbox presents itself a bit more business-like, Posteo seems to market itself towards individuals. I moved my mails there and are quite happy with it, but you have to roll encryption yourself. No auto solutions like Proton or Tuta.
Bryan Lunduke
Holy shit, the Linux Action Show guy? I remember listening to that podcast fifteen years ago and found it quite entertaining.
I had no idea he was even still around, let alone going techfash.
[The] SEO space, an industry known for making the web better.
At some point in the last years, playing games on Linux turned from fiddling three hours with a Wine config to maybe get an hour of 30fps before the next crash into a legit better experience than Windows that works out of the box in most cases. That did sell a lot of people on giving it a try.
I guess it happened when Valve went all-in on Proton. And Microsoft first adding ads into Windows and now forcing their autoplag on everyone helped a bit, too.
That reads like some bullshit you’d find on r/iamverysmart on Reddit.
Maybe side effects of all the substances he uses to become the Übermensch.
I’ve been around the internet a long time, and even back then when throwing slurs at each other and “making fun” of marginalized groups was, if not accepted, at least tolerated because it was considered some poor attempt at humor, I don’t remember ever seeing a rule or passage in any netiquette stating it that explicitly.
It was always “we don’t censor speech but don’t be an asshole” with a giant asterisk about what both censoring and being an asshole meant, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen even the worst places say, “we explicitly allow hate speech, go ahead”.
Holy fucking shitballs.
The worst bit is, the devs who aren’t like this are basically forced to comply anyway. Whenever I justify a delay in some release with that testing/bugfixing takes time, I get slapped with release it anyway, you can patch it later, and although I am lucky to be in a privileged position where I can fight this for some amount of time, every young programmer who comes into a job with a good mindset is not and has to bend over or face shit like negative performance reviews because they’re too slow.
This is so fucking infuriating. I don’t want to release shit software, I want to make sure the stuff I ship works. Back when patching meant you had to ship a physical medium to a non-trivial amount of users, that was how things worked, but apparently only because IT HAD TO and not because it’s good fucking work ethics to have. Now that you can just zero-day patch everything it’s apparently okay to ship unfinished shit and use your customers as beta testers.
I hate this so much and I try to avoid doing this as much as I can professionally. And whenever I can’t I actually feel bad and want to apologize to everyone who has to use that shit release.
Their accountant is probably three GPTs in a trench coat that’s being fed prompts by an unpaid intern or some poor dude in India.
That is concerning. Tbh, banking apps are probably the main reason I use a smartphone at all, because there’s no way anymore, at least where I live, to get a TAN without their stupid apps since they have all deprecated SMS TAN. Some still sell you physical token generators for ridiculous prices, but that’s going away, too.
And on the main topic of this thread: can Xwitter in general just fucking die already?