Yeah, just as likely to bite as any other wild animal. People kind of forget that about animals.
Yeah, just as likely to bite as any other wild animal. People kind of forget that about animals.
I can tell just by looking at it that it’s not highly venomous.
Edit: Australian instincts correct.
the spotted bush snake is a species of non-venomous colubrid snake
No, it’s definitely hacking because that makes me a hacker with my friends sports TV subscription 👨💻😎
They do this with Early Access and people still lose their shit about empty content and unfinished graphics in a game they paid $10 for.
He’s probably earned enough to keep the farm afloat for another 12 months or so.
Haha, yes. I try avoid the /s tag, and felt the italics did it.
Disgusting. I hope you’re happy, Swifties.
I’d be surprised if it lasted longer than any other socially progressive trend. A few weeks, tops, with largest proportions falling off in the first week.
This is the reality of social momentum these days. Resistance is no threat because it has extremely brief lifespan before moving onto the next thing to be a part of.
If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be relaxing, I’d be doing shit that might have me enjoy relaxing later. Relaxing when not needing to relax is just making excuses for slothfulness lol
I go a step further and block them in DDG. This includes any “article” I have to scroll through to find the answer.
In Australia, they’re called soft drinks because they have little or no alcohol in them.
I hear the Nintendo war drums…
Really, space age missiles were Nazi missiles. There was that big snatch and grab for their rocket scientists as soon as Germany fell, but before the trials could start.
Someone should raise concerns in response
From the videos I’ve seen, it’s all Mustangs and whatever cars they hit if the crowd doesn’t slow them down enough.
I wouldn’t be claiming a hack on Internet Archive. It’s like boasting about setting fire to a library, almost literally.
For some reason this has made me lol so much. Simple and stupid. And love how Jeff just fucks off out of frame getting worse at it.
I’ve had a few house mates from Japan and Taiwan. They always had a weird issue overemphasising and misusing English swear words. I had to teach them how to swear properly so they didn’t sound like psychos.
I’ll never forget, “Are you fucking kid me?!”
I was in stitches. “Bro, it’s “kidding” and you emphasise that, not the “fucking” part. Like this… Are you fucking kidding me?”
Yeah, but like, pick up a guitar or something, anything.
They said they believe.
Only knowledge has sources; but beliefs sound cool.
I don’t know why I used a semicolon there, but it’s staying.