Yes, a pro just needs some sand and a lighter and a needle
Yes, a pro just needs some sand and a lighter and a needle
The problem with flux is that it is corrosive. If you use just the flux in the solder it shouldn’t be much of a deal, but if you use more flux I recommend washing it off.
I use 99.9% Isopropanol or an ultrasonic cleaner with water for this. If you use water do not use soap or anything else just water. Also make sure it is completely dry before connecting to power.
I also found this, It’s for a RaspberryPi but surely can be adapted:
You can look at the source of the snap and check what it does
I don’t have any experience with your exact question.
But I would look into xinit and try if you can start just mpv.
If this doesn’t work look for a slim WM and configer it that the applications are displayed in fullscreen and launch mpv after the WM.
Probably any of the tiling window managers should work:
+1 for nix, but I wouldn’t recommend it as a first distro
If you create an image of the disk in the current state from a live boot or an other machine. You can try fixing it without having to risk making things worse
I agree on your take, but I don’t think that “future scaling” is a concern for the most home users.