Correction, cost of goods is what I meant. I’m not going to Walmart just for the WiFi.
My comment was also meant to be sarcastic. Free WiFi while I spend my earnings, which I’d expect prices to reflect the cost of this service, in a giant metal box seems fair to me. Trading privacy as an extra cost I’m not okay with, so I won’t use it.
Also, you pay for your cellphone service, right? Are you paying for the wifi in the store? Nooooooo.
Yes? Indirectly its baked into the cost of service.
Most are crap ad mills anyways trying to game SEO. Only interesting ones I’ve read in the past couple years are technical deep dives where the creators don’t even care to put ads on it.
SSDs are pretty pricey for video. I use HDDs, mirrored. For some uses I put a SSD caching layer on top to speed up frequent R/W. Using only LVM, no fancy RAID hardware or anything.
See if they will implement this? Backed by Apple, Amazon, and Google. HA had support last I checked. They have bridging support also like ZigBee to Matter for Hue bulbs.
The work profiles are meh (due to employers, not Graphene). My employer restricts what can be installed in the work profile. So I can’t install sandboxed GPS. Therefore, none of my work apps can run.
I’m sure there are ways to make it work (e.g., shelter). Decided to tell them to provide me a work phone instead.