Therefore the wanton slaughter of 41,000 people is justified! Who knew they had an excuse this whole time?
Therefore the wanton slaughter of 41,000 people is justified! Who knew they had an excuse this whole time?
I’m guessing we’ll see the same legal approach to things like abortion as we currently do with weed. If the fed wants to deal with it they can, but don’t expect Colorado to help. Unfortunately with their new sweeping mandate from the people I expect the fed to actually care about abortion more than weed.
The “new features” of 11 were why I was staying on 10. But then you back ported them anyway.
Billiam Bakesale
An ape could though.
Eh, congrats! New Job?
When was the last time you got a 63% raise?
This would be “again,” no?
I’m genuinely curious what Musk’s thoughts on this are. Is he glad he won’t be subject to as much regulation or is he butt hurt that his toy isn’t important?
In an ironic twist of complete capitalist predictability, the game we know today was also stolen from the original developer.
This whole thing just makes me want to steer clear of wordpress entirely.
They didn’t damage it. They did throw soup at it.
Their tactic is also working. You’re aware of the event, who they are, what they stand for, and why they did it.
It gives a false sense of security to beginner programmers and doesn’t offer a more tailored solution that a more practiced programmer might create. This can lead to a reduction in code quality and can introduce bugs and security holes over time. If you don’t know the syntax of a language how do you know it didn’t offer you something dangerous? I have copilot at work and the only thing I actually accept its suggestions for now are writing log statements and populating argument lists. While those both still require review they are generally faster than me typing them out. Most of the rest of what it gives me is undesired: it’s either too verbose, too hard to read, or just does something else entirely.
84 miles twice in a day is 270km.
I’m not sure you understand the feasibility of biking 84 miles 2 times in a day in sub freezing weather with a total elevation change of 15,000ft with skis strapped to my back.
I’d love to not have a car, but there’s not a train that runs to the slopes and the busses cost more than twice as much as the gas to get there.
He was celebrating that he had the tallest building.
You’re conflating your personal experience as being generally common. You may have benefit from these, but they are not a back to school necessity or even consideration for “every parent.” For the vast majority of people these are unnecessary.
On a dimmer set to 10% all of these bulbs will be more efficient than the RGB ones you linked because they will not have to run a computer and WiFi/BT hotspot in perpetuity. They will simply be on for 10% of the time. You could also probably get some red tinted films to place over the light fixtures.