Do we do that here? Can we not? I thought we agreed not to.
Do we do that here? Can we not? I thought we agreed not to.
Rupaul owns about a million acres of oil fields, their money is from petroleum products.
Also check out Coyote and Crow for a Solarpunk TTRPG
Eta: posted too quickly, meant to say not video games but maybe worth a mention. I see fully automated on this community sometimes but I dont think I’ve seen coyote and crow talked about here.
Bikes or motorbikes can also bypass unexpected obstacles. If your APC is rolling down the road and there’s a tree fall you most likely need to stop your vehicle and get out and clear it. Bikes or motorbikes may not even need to slow down, just bypass the obstacle entirely. Think of that scene in Children of Men with the fallen tree and the flaming car rolled down the hill, that ambush relied entirely on stopping the target, but probably wouldn’t have worked as well on a group of bikers.
Comedians getting elected everywhere, John Stewart save us!
Pretty sure Thunderdome itself hit the nail on the head with Methane cars, easier and more sustainable than either EG or ICE.