Sam Altman fortfarande ute på AI-hypetåget:
“Everybody gets like a slice of GPT-7’s compute,” he said on the All-In podcast. “They can use it, they can resell it, they can donate it to somebody to use for cancer research.”
The idea is that as AI becomes advanced — and embedded into more facets of our lives — owning a unit of a large language model like GPT-7 can be more valuable than money. “You own like part of the productivity,” he said.
Technosolutionism applicerad på någon sorts basinkomst?
Det är ju relaterat till hypen kring språkmodeller. Man kan väl se det som ett led i OpenAI:s marknadsföring, där man försöker sälja in en vision om kommande modeller som något mer värdefullt än basinkomst.