Hi! I’m getting a new laptop any day now and I plan on going back to Linux after maybe a decade on Windows. What works best for gaming nowadays? Is manjaro good for that? I prefer a distro with a nice name but of course that’s not the central thing. I’ll also do some book keeping, writing et cetera but I don’t think it’s much to worry about. I also hope to use my Valve Index on it.

    • laxsillOPA
      21 month ago

      I’m kinda leaning towards Bazzite. I’ve downloaded it, but I realized I don’t have any USD drives at home :-/

      • @yala@discuss.online
        11 month ago

        Excellent choice! I’m sure you’ll manage 😉 (right after you’ve found yourself a USB drive).

        • laxsillOPA
          328 days ago

          Installing now. Surprised by the amount of work needed to make my BIOS accept that Linux isn’t a security risk, but also surprised that Wifi worked just out of the box, even during the installer. A sign I’ve been away from Linux for a while.

          • @yala@discuss.online
            127 days ago

            Consider making another post after everything has been done in which you note down your expectations, experiences etc.