It seems like the FOSS community is continuing to grow, and FOSS apps keep getting better (Immich reallh blew my mind recently), which is a big win 😎 but there are still many apps I use that I would kill for an open source alternative. I am curious what you guys think? Are there any apps you’d love alternatives for?
Snapchat and Google Docs are the only two non-FOSS apps I can’t shake off.
It would be cool to have a Snapchat clone based on Briar.
Google docs because I don’t trust myself with my own data, I always end up delteting important documents cause I save them to random locations when cleaning house. Having it all in once place, with autosync, search and a nice powerful mobile interface is really convenient.
I can relate with trusting yourself with data 😂😅 would love to self host Immich, but I have continued to make silly mistakes and would 100% screw myself over if I had all my eggs in one basket with just a home server for files. At the moment I managed to completely degoogle and settle on Proton Drive, which although far from perfect, has been significantly improving (no Linux client yet though 😐). Syncthing has been looking more promising too. Maybe one of those could work for you?
Try having your self hosted services backup to an external (or at least a separate) drive, where each service has its own folder.