• MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    And I would argue it cannot be a theocracy if it ignores the concept of the caliphate. The caliph is the ideal in Islam. The goal of the faith is to have the entire world in a single caliphate worshipping Allah as their faith dictates.

    To be clear Im not a muslim and I know you aren’t either by the use of the term “sects”. Most Muslims maintain there is only one Islam.

    Regardless you can easily see what the ideal state is for Islam by learning what the goals of the faith are, or you could just consider that ISIL/ISIS/DAESH or Al Quaeda have the caliphate as their primary goal and then work back from there.

    OK so you aren’t super familiar with Islam, is there any reason I should believe you know how a fascist state functions so that ypu can see the conflict?