US Congress proposed bill to allow AI to prescribe drugs and medical treatment
Original post from the Fuck AI community:
The fact that this has even been proposed is horrifying on so many fucking levels. Technically it has to be approved by the state invovled and the FDA, but opening this door even a crack is so absurdly out of touch with reality.
Yeah. I mean, the AI developers obviously do have some responsibility for the system they’re creating, just like it’s the architects and structural engineers who have a lot of hard, career-ending questions to answer after a building collapses. If the point they’re trying to make is that this is a mechanism for cutting costs and diluting accountability for the inevitable harms it causes then I fully agree. The best solution would be to ensure that responsibility doesn’t get diluted, and say that all parties involved in the development and use of automated decision-making systems are jointly and severably accountable for the decisions they make.