In a romantic relationship or otherwise. I’m being ghosted over a job, so I ask randos on the internet about what they do. WBY?
Edit: Thanks everyone for the advice I’ve been trying to follow. It helps having it reinforced. It’s just hard for several reasons any of which would make it my top choice.
- It’s in the city my sister lives in. I haven’t lived near my family since I finished high school
- My job is inherently transient; I move every 1-2 years. This one gave me some permanency
- I’ve been doing the same thing for the last 10 years. This one gives me additional responsibilities
- It’s prestigious and would come with higher pay
I’ll be working on it, but like I said it’s tough. It’s almost like the universe gave me the perfect go fuck yourself.
I despise people that ghost others and I see it as nothing but maladaptive and sad. A person who ghosts is someone who lacks enough empathy to understand how damaging it is to others, it’s someone who lacks conflict resolution skills, who internalized Internet block / unfriend buttons in their mind as a viable way to terminate any relationship.
When I was younger, people didn’t do this shit. I grew up without the Internet and didn’t have it until I was an adult, younger people don’t realize it, but people didn’t use to do this, and it’s hurtful and infuriating how technology has affected this aspect of human behavior.