Here is the actual Abandon Harris rally if people want to watch it:
To borrow the words of Michael Moore:
- “They’re [arabs] in horrible grief right now. And they’re saddled with this awful predicament. And their conscious is not allowing them to put an ‘X’ next to the woman who has killed their family.”
- “Boy it takes a lot nerve for white people to say that they know better ‘they don’t understand that Trump’s going to be a lot worse for the Arab Americans’… Shut the fuck up.”
- “These are people that have lost relatives. These are people that have lost members of their community. They’ve been killed by me. Not just Netanyahu. Our tax dollars pay for every god damn bullet and bomb. Every carpet bombing of Gaza you’ve funded it. I’ve funded it.”
Some of the splits like the zsa moonlander could handle your ‘y’ requirement, but wouldn’t match the rest. With layers you can do a lot of what you’re asking for though.