And to those MPs, I have only one thing to say, “ok, boomer.”

    18 days ago

    I dont care about the age of the people who are criticized for wealth hoarding.

    I see plenty of old people struggling, who are looking for deposit bottles to return or begging in the streets. I see plenty of old people counting their money contemplating which items to put back at the supermarket checkout.

    I am angry about people who sit in their house they could buy cheaply or even subsidized and telling me that the youth of today would be lazy, while their post school education was three years in trade school and i have an university degree. I am angry because my income, which is in the top 5% of my country would only allow me to buy a decent house or apartment if my wife and i life frugally, have no kids and pay it off until we retire.

    I am angry because rents have went up so much, that it is cheaper for old people to stay in their 4 room flat they can hardly keep clean, because downsizing on a new contract would be more expensive for them, while young families are struggling to find a flat.