Lando is preventing me from moving the mouse.
Yeah, but they’re all NSFW
what are you doing marking a post as nsfw, with a sus title, on the cats community
Playing games is not safe for work. Unless you work in the games industry
Not to mention THAT CAT IS NAKED!
Well, drat. You got me there.
“why do you mark this nsfw”
literally a pussy photo
It’s called “Pet the Cat”. There’s just one objective.
Yeah, but then you gotta buy food, and litter, and vet visits, and toys, and scratch pads.
I tell ya. I miss when games weren’t full of hidden microtransactions…
(as long as you don’t mind hard-boiling an egg or pitting an avocado every time the ball wears out)
I’ve been using one trackball or another, usually a Kensington Orbit since they became available, for the majority of three decades; the only times I’ve had to buy a new one were when I needed more for extra computers or when new technology became available (such as when optical became a thing). I’ve never had a trackball ball wear out or even show signs of wear.
Actually, that’s not 100% true. I did have one Orbit just stop consistently responding to input. The ball was fine, though; in fact, I’m pretty sure I still have the mouse and could just put the ball in a new unit.
Mine still works, it’s an old trackball my grandfather bought for himslef in the late 1990’s.
I do believe the comment about the ball wearing out was what humans refer to as “humor”
among us
If the cat is on your wrist and not really on your fingers those will work, but if the cat’s on your fingers then you’re just as SOL. Even then you still need a bit of palm movement.
Original Dwarf Fortress
Bonus, it’s free from the Bay12 website
Sadly, not the Steam version. I hope we get all the keyboard controls back eventually. I think the mouse controls are great for some tasks, but it’s objectively worse for many others that still aren’t available in the Steam version.
Baldur’s Gate 3
If you really want a suggestion, I’ve been addicted to Crypt of the Necrodancer. I just managed to beat all zones mode! Also, your cat is adorable.
Additional suggestion: Cadence of Hyrule.
Real cool zelda flavored spin on crypt of the necrodancer, and it’s a good bit more forgiving challenge wise.
Ah, Keychron. I see you’re a man of culture.
There’s a number that can be played with just a mouse. Though looks like that’s not an option.
Vampire Survivor
Most racing games
Super hexagon
i loved that game so much. it’s incredible how it slowly trains you to do better by like .02 seconds at a time. shout-out to chipzel for music that still bangs around in my head from time to time.
Super Hexagon mentioned!?
Love the avatar. 😆
Any old racing game would do. Emphasis on “old”, as modern non-arcade racing games are weird to play on keyboard.
Any of the games in the Kingdom series.
this feels like the opposite of a problem